So Much for My Happy Ending
I keep trying.
I keep failing.
I keep crying.
From the moment I was born
I’ve been nothing in your eyes.
Failure is the only trait I’ve worn
And to you, that’s no surprise.
But what you fail to realize-
What you’ve always failed to realize;
Is that I am the result to your parenting skills.
But instead of it sending chills- down your spine
You feel excitement and thrills
Just at the thought that all along
You were right
Money is tight. Tight.
So tight, it had me up,
Restless at night.
So I thought if I gave it time
I could take this life
Turn it around
And make it mine again.
Guess I was wrong.
I’ve been out here so long.
Lonely and cold.
Nowhere to go.
Nowhere to run.
No one to hold.
No one to love.
No one to show me that
Everything will be alright.
That life will get better.
Better… Will it? Can it?
These people; every minute of everyday
They pass me by.
They see me… don’t they?
I’m invisible.
I used to be invincible.
Somewhere, somehow
Along the lines
I lost it. Lost it all.
I keep telling myself
“Hold on”
You were at the top;
You made it there all on your own.
Something will happen.
Someone will hear you.
God will hear me.
God? Are you still there?
Do you still believe in me?
Or have you left me- given up on me
Abandoned me
Like the rest of the world has.
I am still a person.
I have emotions.
I cry tears.
I feel pain.
I feel the coldness of the rain.
I have fears.
And right now, I fear that this is the end.
And although I didn’t intend
For things to be like this;
I can’t go back.
This is my life.
I’m going to keep trying.
I’m going to keep failing.
Soon, I shall be dying.

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