A lot of people say that the holidays are the most stressful time of the year . I beg to differ . Especially for high school students ! After the holidays is exam time . The holidays for me was jam-packed , but I still had a few moments of relaxation . We've only been back to school for a week since the break and I have already had three breakdowns . I had one today as well . I was and am under so much stress over the exam involved in this course , I am just about at the end of my leash . But what do I do ? There are still two to three weeks left , and I'm already at the end of my leash . I have no idea how I am going to plow through it . Not only am I piled with exam work , I also have two essays to write for Ryerson applications . I wrote them today . The first essay was a research based essay . That took me approximately four hours in total to write . The personal essay , which was the second one , took me about the same amount of time . For some odd reason , I found the personal essay to be much , much harder . Although the first one required actual research and a bibliography , the words seem to just come to me and the essay was there after a while . But for the personal one , the words just weren't coming and this drove me crazy . Which is when I had my breakdown . I initially planned to achieve a lot of homework today , but could not due to the time consuming essays . I wanted to complete the entire scrapbook , and have at least half of my Leadership Reflection finished and then have tomorrow to work on my portfolio . Now , I have to do the scrapbook and reflection tomorrow , forcing me to push back the date of the portfolio once again and that aggravates me . I wanted to have an early finish of my portfolio so I don't run into the major issues I did last year .
Not to mention , I have been on the computer since 11AM this morning . I have a huge headache . And to add to the stress , I can feel a distancing between myself and my family and I want to fix it , but don't even have time to do so . I'm in a lose-lose situation . I am stressed .
Summer Fierce
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