1. Allow my parents an early retirement. (Buy a new house, pay off the mortgage, buy them things they've wanted but sacrificed for me and my siblings)
2. Anonymously donate $25,000 to four different charities.
3. Spend time in several parts of Africa, India and China with the impoverished families and fund as many people as I can.
4. Build at least one School/Hospital/Village in each of the three countries listed in #3.
5. Create my own charitable foundation. (Haven't decided what cause yet, but I am very passionate about eradicating poverty so most likely something along those lines.)
6. Become a famous actress in Hollywood, LA. (Like Angelina Jolie!)
7. Complete law school and earn my master's degree. (Become a lawyer and receive a gun license.)
8. Take my family on month long world-tour vacation, visiting all our desired locations and resorts.
9. Buy a dog. (I've wanted one since I was eight-years old. I want one, not as a pet, but as a best friend.)
10. Buy the town-house I grew up in back and have it renewed and refurbished.
11. Buy a condominium in Toronto, around Harbour Front. (Downtown Toronto is my favourite place in the world. Harbour Front is nearby downtown and it has a beach with a track that runs alongside the shore, which is great since I love riding my bike)
12. Make a massive world-wide contribution to the ending of Global Warming.
My Bucket List consists of 12 goals because my old address street number was 1209 and that is and forever will be my home. Also, when I was 12-years old, that's the year we moved out of that house, which was a major life changing moment.