Saturday, September 25, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance Canada - Trip

On Thursday September 23rd, 2010, my Acting Academy class went on a trip to So You Think You Can Dance Canada. While on this trip, we were each assigned different roles. Roles including: a celebrity, groupies, the overly nice person, directors, casting directors,dancers, the claustrophobic person, sick person, bodyguard, singer, etc. I played the role of a director, along with my buddy, Sharisa, and we were supposedly casting for a movie that her dad was filming. So the two of us would go up to a few people and ask to feel their hair for a hair commercial or go up to someone and tell them they have 'the look we're looking for' and in the end, we ended up with four or five different peoples' contact information. Usually, from the last trips we took there, we'd have had to have been standing in the mosh pit for the show. But, we told the crew members over and over again that we were very high in importance and that we needed to be seated so we can scope the audience for possible stars for the movie. They believed us. And in little to no time we had ourselves nice comfy seats in the audience. That's when we decided we should pay it forward. So we pointed out Sheldon, who was playing the role of the claustrophobic person, to the crew and told them he can't be in such a tight crowd and that he NEEDS to be seated. And that he was. They put him in an isolated seat, but at least the view was nice and he was comfy too.
I learned that when you're a big name person or a celebrity, you are treated with so much more respect. People go out of their way to please you. But at the same time it almost feels like they fear you. To some, this may give a feeling of superiority, but to others, it can make you feel almost disliked. I learned how to scope an audience and really feel the essence of being a director. Shoulders back the entire time. Arms crossed for a percentage of the time.
When you do a method acting assignment such as this one, you need to uphold your character throughout. Otherwise it becomes unbelievable. You can't be completely aware of absolutely everyone around you at all times, so if you re acting normal one minute and then you re a director or claustrophobic the next minute, people are going to look at you weird and they obviously wont believe your role.
All-in-all the trip was amazing and the method acting assignment was a success!

Summer Fierce

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