Saturday, September 25, 2010


As I've mentioned before, I am in the Acting Academy class. As a class have to brand ourselves. Last years grade eleven class, which I was also a part of, was called Stagelife Productions. It was phenomenal. Once again, it is boys vs. girls. For the past two years, the boys have won. Now that we're in our senior year, hopefully the girls have learned how to strategize better and will take home the gold. Branding includes, what seems like, millions of different components. We need to have a name, colours, logo, business card, website, t-shirt, newsletter, playbill, media, a callboard, a fashion show, food and refreshments, etc. And as the cherry on top, we've got celebrity judges on presentation date, so the pressure is definitely there. We had about a week and a half and it all comes down to whatever happens Monday.
Branding is extremely stressful, but can also be a lot of fun, depending on the group of people you're working with. This year and last, I am blessed to say that I am working with a tremendously talented, extraordinary group of girls. We hit a few rough patches, had our minor arguments here and there, but in the end, we all supported each other and had each other's backs.
It took me over six hours to print out half the newsletters, which was probably the most stressful part of branding for me.
I am the main female model and I modelled for the photos in the Lookbook and will be modelling the day of. I modelled last year too. All this modelled has actually sparked an interest inside of me to consider it as a side job!
I wish the boys the best of luck, and the same to the girls. Whoever wins, wins. In the end, we're all still a family, so after the branding, set aside all your differences and congratulate one another.

Summer Fierce

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