Saturday, September 18, 2010

Opening Remarks

Hello! It feels good to be back in the blogging world. I am Summer Fierce, A.K.A Ramona Persaud.
I am a senior at Fletcher's Meadow S.S., so this is my year to graduate. Yeah! Right now, I am enrolled in an Acting Academy Class, which is basically the reasoning behind this blog. I have wanted to become an actress since I was around eight-years-old and I feel that my time to shine is, hopefully, nearing. Last year I was in the 'Director's Craft Package', (which I explained in further detail in my old blog : ) and I really began to evolve into an actress. Although, I don't feel I was that good at that time. But over the summer, I had a lot of time. Alone time. So I took that time to play around with my emotions and train myself how to get in touch with them on an acting basis. I feel that that has really, really helped me, as I can now, usually, cry on cue or display most emotions on cue and make them look and feel real to the audience.
Another major happening event in my life, is that I recently, i.e. this week, got my first part-time job. It is stressful having a job, but it's my first and I spent too long trying to find it (2 and a half years) to let it go. So that's that situation.
The Acting Academy Class always does a Branding, to choose our name, colours, logo, slogan and so on. It is, yet again, girls vs. boys and the boys have won twice already, so HOPEFULLY this is the girls' year to shine. Branding commences on September 27th, so it's rolling in pretty fast.

This blog will be mainly be based on hardships and milestones in life. Others are assigned topics by my teacher, which will probably be based on acting and the industry. Read on, and enjoy!

Summer Fierce

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