Yesterday was the actual day of branding. The boys were up first. More than half the class including me, showed up to school between 7-7:30AM. The day has only just begun at this point. The boys' gifts went missing, they lost some media footage and ran into other setbacks. The girls were scrambling around, waiting for the late arrivers of the group. Once we had all the girls, we had to rehearse our choral word piece, which had NOT been rehearsed as a full group once. By this time, we were only able to run through half of it, as the bell had rung two minutes ago. The guests began arriving - some of them high -profiled celebrities and the girls were on front of house. We split up and covered all the entrances of the schools. Finally, all the guests arrived and the boys' presentation began. They opened strong with a performance, as did the girls. In all honesty, they bought more personality to the table. But we bought more media. Our media was all well-thought out and had all or most of the group contributing to the several components. We ran into a few issues with the itinerary during our presentation, but it all came down to how we dealt with them. We handled it professionally. We used our charms and we sold ourselves. We had the judges fall in love with us. With the media, the name, and the professionalism, we won. We won. After two years of losing to the boys, we won. Third times a charm. We want to congratulate the boys on a fight well fought. We all gave it what we had. But at the end of the day, I guess the girls gave it a little more. So we present to you Soul Visionary Productions. May this be a year to remember.

The Girls of Soul Visionary Productions
Summer Fierce
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