Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas !

Christmas just wouldn't be anything without my family . Forget about the gifts , the food and the decorations , if we had nothing but each other , I know it would still be amazing . Just being in their presence brings happiness to my heart . We spent Christmas how we do it every year ; the same group of people at one of our houses . We spend Christmas Eve with my dad's cousins and their families . I love spending time with them because I grew up always being around them at their houses and at mine . Each person impacted my life in some significant way or another . There was a beautiful dinner with so many of my favourite dishes . We watched a movie I was longing to see for quite a while called Salt , starring one of my favourite actresses , Angelina Jolie .

A little while after midnight , we did what we usually do . We exchanged gifts and had hot chocolate . I texted a lot of my friends wishing them a Merry Christmas , like I do every year ( Well since I got texting on my phone ) . After a while , everyone went home . Christmas morning , my family and I had breakfast and then sat around the Christmas tree exchanging gifts . My present wasn't wrapped because I went with my parents to buy it . They got me clothes , which for some reason sounds boring to most , but I love . I bought my sister this make-up set because I know she's always had a passion for make-up . But she said she prefers the make-up set she already has , so I exchanged it for what I was going to originally get her , which is a necklace that I knew she wanted for a long while . For my parents , I bought my mom a beautiful dress , which she chose and my dad , electronics . For my brother , I brought him a shirt from the Disney Store and a special edition UNO game . He had mentioned to me a while ago that he liked playing that game in an after school program , so I brought it for him . My sister bought me the perfume I've wanted for a long time - Glow After Dark - by JLo . We spent the rest of Christmas Day at my aunt's house , where we watched movies , danced and built gingerbread houses . I love Christmas .

Summer Fierce

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