[ This is an article I wrote last year . I felt that with Thanks Giving around the corner and the previous enrty, this would go hand-in-hand with it all . ]
According to World Vision, 28, 000 children die needlessly each day. There are 2.2 billion children in the world today. One in three of these children live in poverty. One in five of these children have no access to clean drinking water.
What is Poverty?
Lack of shelter
Being sick and not being able to see a doctor
Having no access to school and not knowing how to read
Not having a job, is in fear for the future, living one day at a time
Losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water
Powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom
Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen. (Global Issues) The world is so blinded by their everyday lives that they are failing to see the ones who are in great need of help. Yes, there are many other large global issues that the world has yet to account for, such as Global Warming, Wars, Recession and so many others, but poverty is an issue which has been costing millions of lives. Covering costs for war is not highly has important as allowing a child to have at least one meal a day. Allowing every child to have a home, have a family, have a feeling of safeness and well-being, have a voice, have their parents, have a childhood. The world is just too ignorantly blinded to see that.
There are millions, billions in fact, of children living today without parents. HIV/AIDS have deprived many them of having their parents. It took away from their childhood, forcing them to grow up prematurely. There are children in this world that don’t plan for tomorrow, as they know their faith can never promise a tomorrow. They live every second of their life worrying when they’ll be blessed enough to have their next meal; their next drink of water – and it’s not even clean water they’re dependent on. A half of the world’s children do not plan for a future because they know they will simply never be able to afford it. They don’t dream big, as they know life will never take them that far no matter how hard they pray or how much they want something. It is deeply saddening to know that a majority of the wealthier nations are highly aware of this knowledge, yet are not taking action. Instead they are wasting time and money on wars. They are pushing aside poverty; leaving it as an issue to deal with later on. But they are failing to realize that every minute and every second they wait, a life is being lost. Who is to account for all of these lives being lost?

Summer Fierce