Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Inspiration .

As an aspiring actress, I need inspiration. Who inspires me? The icons. Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Will Smith and so many others. Although all of them impact my decision of entering the acting industry, there's one of them that had the greatest influence on me of all. Will Smith. I have been watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air since I was a about ten-years old and the re-runs still make me laugh. At the young age of 22-years-old, Will Smith was already becoming a star. His first great hit came to him when he was 28. Playing the co-starring lead role in Bad Boys. After that, his acting career took a plight. He went from goofy teen on Fresh Prince, to re-enacting the life of a man in The Pursuit of Happyness. That movie is what really captured my love for Will Smith. I thought it was phenomenal how big of a leap he took.
Another actor who greatly inspires me is young actress, Dakota Fanning. At the young age of six-years old, the young starlet already began her career in acting. She's well-known for her roles in horror films, which is what inspired me to take on that genre as my main focus. The role that really won me over for her was I Am Sam. I thought it was absolutely profound how well of an actress this little girl was already. To evoke such emotion on cue, I thought was impeccable.
Angelina Jolie is a whole other story. She is an extraordinary actress and the way she took on Hollywood and became practically Queen of the acting industry, was amazing. And she still holds this position. I think she is amazingly talented and versatile in her work and she is the actress I wish to be like.

Summer Fierce

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