Superstitions have been around since the beginning of time. Ancient history has been recording mysterious beliefs that 'til this day, are still believed by many. These include myths such as those that equal bad luck. Like, seeing a black cat cross the street, walking under a ladder, breaking a mirror, starting something at precisely 12 o'clock, etc. There isn't really any proven facts that these truly exists, just stories. Stories that are so powerful that they can sometimes have people scared to death of encounter one of the 'bad luck' type situations. I am one of those people. My self-conscience drives me insane sometimes. I feel like every little movement I make can disrupt the very fabric of time, causing colossal damage or even death. Not my death, but the death of others; people that I love. That's my greatest fear; losing someone I love. Another fear of mine that connects to superstitions, is ghosts and spirits. I always feel like I'm being watch - like I'm never alone. It's absolutely terrifying especially at night because I have a crazy, wild imagination that shots images and scary thoughts through my mind. This is the reason I have to avoid watching scary movies. It doesn't matter how surreal something seems in a movie, my mind will find a way to make me believe that the scary things in the movie are real and that situations like that, can and will happen. I believe that spirits
do come back and haunt people with a vengeance. And I think there have been a few that targeted me, as I'm always hearing sounds and sometimes seeing things.
So, death isn't actually a fear of mine, it's more so, not being able to be with the people that I love.
I have arachnophobia. I am extremely terrified of spiders and, actually, most bugs. I refuse to go to my basement anymore because there are always spiders there and I know exactly where the biggest ones always chose to live; on the bottom step, in the corner. Also, my dad grows vegetables in the back that I like, and I can't go pick them because there are ALWAYS spiders and bugs surrounding them. So, I have to wait for my dad to pick them.
Hopefully, one day, I will be able to face my greatest fears and overcome them. Not the loss of a loved one, because I know I can never get over that, but my fear of ghosts, spiders and bugs.
What are your fears? |
Summer Fierce
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