Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do You Know Where The Line Is ?

For many artists entering the acting industry, their moral values and beliefs are highly tested. Many will forget all that they stand for just to get their foot in the door. They will bend over backwards, jeopardize their relationships, their religion, their life, just to get a role on a show or in a film. It is more common in children to come to Hollywood and forget who they are and think that they are supposed to become someone else once they're there. But there are millions of older people who follow this path as well. It is up to you as an artist to decide where that line is. How well did your parents bring you up? For me, I know where my line is. There are some things that I will do to get my foot in the door and things that I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT DO. If there's a role that requires me to kiss someone and be in a relationship with, then I most likely will do that. If there is a role that requires nudity, or for me to get involved with some sort of drugs such as smoking, than I will decline it. I have too much self-respect for that and I would NEVER jeopardize my relationship with my parents or have them feel ashamed of me. They brought me up constantly warning me of the affects of drugs and smoking and they have advised me continuously not to involve myself in any of them. I've promised them, myself and God, that I will not under any circumstance allow myself to involve myself in them. As for use of cursive language, I am not a person who uses them. Never have been. For a role, I would, as I don't feel that it defines your character because the use of it is more and more common everyday. The reason that it is seen so differently than nudity and drugs is because those DO actually, in many ways, define who you are and what you stand for. I don't want to be seen as loose or an addition to the statistics of druggies. Which is what most actors that involve themselves in those types of scenes are seen as.
I advice you to think long and hard about where your line is. Know it. You don't want to live with regret. Don't ever cross it.

Summer Fierce

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