What characteristics does one withhold to be considered a best friend ?

Is it someone you talk to when you're in a time of need or is it someone you talk to ALL the time ? A best friend is someone who shares all your moments of glory and all your moments of pain with . It's someone who you can always count on to cheer you on , hold your hand , be your shoulder to cry on , be the one that yells at you and yells at you until you find your mind again . A best friend is someone you can condole in and someone you are comfortable enough to tell anything . A best friend is someone that is so close to you , you can barely tell they're not biologically related to you . A best friend is someone that cries with you , laughs with you , screams with you , loves you , holds you , and cherishes you . A best friend is like a mother , a father , a sister , a brother ; they can shape shift into who ever you need them to be . A best friend knows you like the back of their hand . You are like an open book to them ; no secrets , no lies . There is a certain trust that a best friend is able to build with you and it can never be broken . Friends are there to listen to what you say . Best friends are there to listen to what you say and what you
don't say . When you have a past that's too hard to look back at , or you have a future that holds countless terrors and you are to afraid to look back or ahead ; you can look right beside you and that's where you're best friend will stand forever . A best friend is someone that never walks in front of you ; out of fear you may not follow . A best friend is someone who never walks behind you ; out of fear you may get lost . A best friend is someone that walks beside you . They guide you ; you guide them . When you feel like the whole world has their backs turned on you ; like every one is walking out of your life , your best friend will walk , run into your life . A best friend is someone that sees the pain behind your smile . A best friend is someone that would put them self on the line to save you . A best friend is your guiding light in the darkness . A best friend is someone that tells you everything ; hides nothing from you .
That's what a best friend is to me .
"Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."
- Anon
Summer Fierce
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