Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland .

I celebrate Christmas & Diwali . I'm Hindu . I never understood why my family celebrates Christmas . I guess it's because I never asked . I never asked because I didn't want to stop because I loved all the presents and lights and food . Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy , happiness and spending time with your loved ones . That's one of my few lines in this play I'm in called The Christmas Redemption . For many , that's not the castle . It's either a hustle and bustle to get everything ready for the holidays , such as gifts , hair , nails , food , etc . , and then for others it's a time of grieving over a lost loved one , financial constraints , loss of job , etc . So Christmas can and is of great depression for many . Those who are able to find that happiness and warmth should really embrace those moments , thank God and never take them for granted . At any given moment , in a flash , all of that can be gone . Life is full of surprises . I'm one of the lucky ones , I guess . I spend every Christmas with my family in a warm house . My parents make the seasonal food , which I absolutely love and we decorate the house - inside and out . Even if we can only afford to give each other the smallest gift , we do so with love and treasure it . We write each other cards that are worth more than any gift on the planet is worth because of what is written in them . I think that's the greatest gift of all ; the gift of love . Which is why it is especially hard for those who don't have anybody to love or to love them . Seeing all these smiles everywhere they look , just adds to their sorrow of not having that .

So this Christmas , my goal is to give at least one person the gift of happiness and love . It can be a complete stranger , or someone I know that I've never reached out to . I challenge you to do the same . Make a difference in someone's life . You never know ; you may even be the reason they hold on and make it through this holiday .

Summer Fierce 

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