Sunday, November 28, 2010

That's Not a Bad Habit ; It's Just Stupid .

Why do people smoke ?
Who invented the cigarette ?
Why would he do that ? !

It's becoming more and more common to see young adolescents smoking . It's disgusting . After observing people at school , I realized that at least half of the people there partake in some sort of drugs or alcohol . But why ? Is it to be cool ? Or do they actually get a thrill out of destroying their body and corrupting their own minds ? Besides the fact ; how do these under-aged teens manage to always get there hands on the stuff ? Where are our cops ? I see them circling the hall-ways of my school everyday . I've seen students dealing drugs right there in those same halls . What's the point of having those officers there ? The problem's only amplifying . They are really not doing their jobs . It's not like the students are only smoking cigarettes either ; they've gotten their hands on some of the most illegal substances and they are continuing to get away with it . There should be a law that allows teachers to tell the parents of the students . As soon as the smokers step off of school property , they are allowed to get themselves involved in just about anything and the teachers can't stop them . The teachers probably feel helpless and hopeless . There are some straight A , top of the class students that go down that road as well and no one can stop them ; or at least , no one tries to . They're scared they'll get on their bad side and either make them hate you or go even further down the road . It's complicated and it's stupid . But I don't bother getting myself involved with them . I figure that if they want to ruin their lives and damage their health , than so-be-it . It's not me that it's hurting , it's themselves . Maybe it'll hurt a little to know that my friends are choosing drugs over our friendship , school or health , but it'll hurt them a lot more in the long-run .

I'm just glad that my parents brought me up and taught me to always take the path of least resistance .

Summer Fierce 

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