Monday, November 22, 2010

Pre - Production of Scripted Scenes .

For about two weeks we worked on scripted scene work . We chose our partners and then our scripts . My partner was one of my bestest buddies , Jasleen . I chose her because I've worked with her in the past , since Grade nine actually , and so I know that she is really strong and reliable . I memorized my lines earlier on than her because she was overwhelmed with having to memorize a script for Eco Buzz , but the timing was alright since Eco Buzz was before our performance . Once we both had it comfortably memorized , we tried different things with it . We put on different accents and ran through the whole script ; including Australian , Western/Country and British . Then we put on different genres , such as , Soap Opera , Mystery and Horror . We did that to help us become better memorized with the script so that the words would just flow out of us . It worked out pretty well . We chose our costumes according to how we saw the characters . My character was a lawyer who is high up in the firm , which means she's wealthier . Jasleen's character was more of a rookie , but still a lawyer , so she dressed similar to me . The setting was a dinner party being held for me , so we had to step it up another notch . After watching the first few performances , we went back to the drawing board and made minor adjustments on how to execute the performance . We decided to incorporate the backstage area to give it that little effect of a more real feeling , like something was happening before the scene and we didn't just start out of no where . We selected our music early on , since we both have a strong knowledge on choosing music .

Summer Fierce

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