Saturday, October 16, 2010

Acting Professionally

In the Acting Academy, us Soul Visionaries are reading a book titled Acting Professionally written by Robert Cohen. There is a section that really stood out to me that I would like to share entitled Looks and Physical Type.
Here are the points that I really feel you can benefit from by reading.
  • According to statistics taken in 2001, women have been increasing in role potentials. They take up about %38 of all T.V./Film roles, 39% of lead roles - which all together is an increase of over 55% from thirty years ago
  • Men still get  61%
  • The ten 25 million dollar club only consists of one woman and that's Julia Roberts
  • Of all ethnic groups, African Americans have the highest percentage in actors, although they are usually stereotypically casted (12.9%)
  • 4.9% for Latinos/Hispanics
  • 2.6% for Asians/Pacific Islanders 
  • 0.3% for Native Americans
  • More actors under 20 are being casted and less actors over fifties
  • Disabilities can be used to your advantage as well
  • Weight, dress, health, hairstyle, height, voice, teeth, posture, grooming and complexion can too 
  • Actor types are not defined solely by age, but by a position on some sort of romantic/sexual scale
  • "Children" range from 12 years old and younger, and are ordinarily not involved in any romantic affairs
  • "Ingenues" (girls) and "young leading men" are usually in their early to mid-twenties and they send off a vibration of youth, innocence and charm. They are often in the first love category
  • "Leading men" and "leading women" are in their mid-twenties to mid-forties and beyond and are usually casted as wiser, more experienced lovers; they're glamorous, romantic, mature and sophisticated
  • You need to know your type
  • If you are going for a role as a romantic lead, you must be attractive and have sex appeal
  • As you know, plastic surgery can go too far. Sometimes it can ultimately be what costs you a role or your entire career (Research Jennifer Grey)
  • If you're fat, be fat, or skinny, be skinny. Nothing in between
  • And if you're ugly, cultivate it and make it work. Just don't be bland.
I got all those facts from just one section of a chapter. I recommend you read Acting Professionally if acting is the career path you want to take.

Summer Fierce

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