Sunday, October 31, 2010

Night of The Living Dead !

Tonight is Halloween. I never really understood the point of this day. Probably because I was always too busy trying to find a costume and too excited about all the candies I would soon have my hands on. But this year, it's different. Lately, I've been paying closer attention to my health, so the candy doesn't really appeal to me as much as it use too. And I have been watching the news more and more often and realizing what a terrible place the world actually is. There are murderers, rapists, pornographers and more just roaming the streets of every neighbourhood, including my own, just waiting for their next victim. Every week, there is a new face on the news or on the windows of stores, with another person missing. And every week or every other week, at least one of them turns up dead. With all this madness and chaos happening, are these parents that send their children out alone not scared? They are still living in a fairytale world where nothing bad happens. Where children can run out on the streets after dark and return home unharmed. Well, it's just not like that anymore. It's not just Ontario that's like this; it's everywhere. People are just becoming more and more ignorant, violent and cruel. These vicious people don't have any value of life or love. They live to see the pain and suffering of others. These are the living dead. They are like demons amongst our earth. They only bring pain and tears. These are the creatures that Halloween celebrates. Why are we celebrating the creatures that terrorize us?
I do still dress up in a costume when the school holds the occasion, though. As an alternative to trick-or-treating, I just ask my parents to buy a few Halloween packs of candy that I like. This way, I avoid possibly running into one of the terrible, monstrous people that I mentioned before, I don't have candy that I don't like, and I get to stay in a warm house. Why would children want to have to face all of that? Why would parents want them to?
I wouldn't want my kids to. But who am I to tell people not to celebrate Halloween? I'm not one to. I am just advising people that do decide to, to do so with caution.

 Happy Halloween `10

Summer Fierce

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