Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let's Hit it Old School !

The shopping component of the challenge is completed. Although we were unsuccessful at following our plan blow-by-blow, we came out with astonishing items. We arrived downtown just before eleven o'clock AM. The problem with that, is that most of the stores don't open until 12 o'clock noon. But my group knew that the store we needed to see the most was about a forty-five minute walk away. So we purchased our teas and headed out. While on the way there, we passed by a few stores that we actually NOT on our list or map. To our utter surprise, they ended up having, amazingly, exactly what we need and for a low price, which they also allowed us to bargain down. So, on the way to the main destination store, we were able to pick up about five very perfectly suited for our scene and cheap items. In fact, the stores that weren't on our list were actually the ones that had more of what we needed and lower prices.
This was my first time actually going vintage shopping. I found the experience absolutely wonderful. I saw several items that I quite adored for myself at reasonably low prices. One of which, I actually purchased. You really do need a full day to go vintage shopping because there are so many stores and so many things to look through. Another thing I noticed, was how friendly all of the cashiers were. Not one of them gave attitude, which is very rare now-a-days, oddly.

Vintage shopping will probably be of my new hobbies!

Summer Fierce 

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