Sunday, October 31, 2010

No Where To Go .

I've always felt really depressed walking by homeless people. I mean, to know that I have everything that I need and more, while they have absolutely nothing in their name except for what they have on. I always wonder how their life came to this and why no one will help them. I wonder how long they've been there and how long they will be there. I wonder if this is how they will leave the world. With nothing. Just die silently and be forgotten in an instant. I can't imagine myself doing that. I wonder where their family is. I mean, doesn't everyone have a family? I wonder what they must be thinking when our eyes meet. I wonder what they think when they see me. They must think I have everything in the world. I don't. But I have everything that they don't. I wish there was a way I could help them.Sure, I can give them any change I have in my pocket and they can have that one meal they've longed for hours, if not, days, but that won't last long. I want to do something that will change their life for ever. Put a smile on their face. Put a real, everlasting smile on their face. I want to get them off the streets and into a warm home. I want them to get a job and have people treat them with the respect everyone deserves. I want them to be able to have hope. To have meaning for living. To feel that their life has meaning. I want so many things for them. But I can't give it to them. I'm sure they share the same wants and needs for themselves that I do for them. But wanting and having are two completely different things. I realize that. They realize that. I feel that I was born to help these people. To help them and more. To become the solution to the burden that has laid upon earth forever. To eradicate poverty and homelessness.
I have a dream that one day each and every single person on this planet can walk the grounds of the Earth and be happy. To have everything they need in their life and more. That's my dream. I can't fulfill it alone.

Summer Fierce

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