Monday, November 15, 2010

Boys Vs . Girls - Part 1 : Jobs & Parents .

The age old question : Is it easier to be a boy or a girl ?

Well in many cases it differs . Such as, getting a job. It all depends on the job that you're applying for . If it's a job in a restaurant , than it all depends on what they are looking for . In that case ; it's more so about the looks than your gender , but that's a whole other blog topic ! There are so many things that I find , as do many others , are easier for girls than they are for boys . Such as gaining trust from your parents . Girls aren't really seen or expected to get into all sorts of trouble like boys . The biggest concern for parents with girls , is them getting pregnant , but with boys there's getting into drugs , fights , alcohol and so on . Even though girls also partake in all of those , due to statistics and the ratios , boys are seen more inclined to do so . But then when girls want to do something or go somewhere , it's like a cross-examination scene in a movie . Their parents need to have a written out itinerary of how their outing will go and where they will be at every moment . Okay , that may be overexagerrating a little , but you get my point . The reason for that is that girls are a lot more fragile and gullible , so their parents see risks of them getting hurt at every corner of the world . Boys , on the otherhand , are usually more streetsmart and can defend themselves from harmful things , such as , predators .

Summer Fierce

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