Thursday, November 25, 2010

Post - Production of Scripted Scenes .

After a long-awaited chance to perform due to minor setbacks in our class schedule and me being sick for a number of days , we finally did it . Unfortunately , I wasn't anywhere near completely recovered from my illness , so I wasn't able to put %100 into it . But that's no excuse . I felt my lungs getting smaller and smaller , I felt like I was going to throw up on stage . Thank God I didn't . The backstage scene was a last minute decision Jasleen , my scene partner , and I made . It worked out pretty well , but had we created the idea sooner on , it would have been so much better . Personally , I feel that we rushed through the scene . We forgot a couple of pauses and ran right through the climatic point . I wasn't paying attention to the music while I was on stage , so I don't remember what was being played , which is a bad thing because the music is supposed to set the mood for the audience AND the actors . Clearly , it didn't . I think the script kind of took a huge toll on how well we performed too . It wasn't all that interesting and the climax wasn't very evident . If we could do this whole performance again , we would definetly choose a better script and rehearse more . We would make all decisions at least two days before the performance to give us time to stage it all and work with our tech people . We haven't received our notes on the performance yet or our grade , so we have no idea what the rest of the class and our teacher might have seen it as . Who knows , maybe we did better than we think we did . Hopefully .

Summer Fierce

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