Friday, November 19, 2010

If Time Was Limited .

What would you do if you knew you only had a certain amount of time left to live ? What if it were only two weeks ? Would you break , or would you cease the moment; capture all you've ever wanted ? I don't know what I'd do . I would probably need a day to take in the fact that I've lived my life working so hard towards a goal that I'll never reach now . Take a moment to realize that I will never see the people I have in my life again . Take a moment to realize that I won't be what I set out to be . Take a moment to realize that I may be with God at any moment . Take a moment to realize that two weeks just isn't enough . I would spend those two weeks with my family . After all , they are what kept me living for so long . Without them , I'd have been gone sooner . With their love and their empowerment , I am able to push myself in life and keep fighting when it seems that all odds are against me ; like all the world has it's back to me . They are the only people in the world that could possibly offer me a lifetime of happiness in just one day . So I would not go out into the world exploring all the places I ever dreamed of ; sure , that would make me happy for a moment , but that moment won't last forever . I would spend a day alone with each of my family members .

First , my sister . Because I know that every moment that I have spent with her til this day is deep within her heart . She remembers things that I can't even remember . And so my memory will live on forever within her . I will spend that day laughing with her about all the stupid things that we did together , apologizing for all the times we hurt each other , crying about how much we'll miss each other and then tell her how proud I am  and always have been of her . And how I want her to go extra far in life for the both of us and find true love . Second & third ; my Mom and Dad . I'd let them decide who goes first . With my Dad , I would start off by telling him how I always thought him and I had a special father-daughter relationship . And apologize for all the times I argued with him , but ensure him that I wasn't entirely at fault each time , and that he needs to accept being wrong at times , because it doesn't make him any less of a man , instead it makes him more of a Superman . I'll thank him for always being there for me , supporting me , sacrificing things for me and giving me the best childhood I could have ever asked for , although he never had a proper one . I will share my most fondest memories we had with him . And then I will ask him to hold me in his lap for an hour and just listen to his heartbeat as I did when I was a baby . And then just spend that hour embracing him and remembering the rhythm of his heartbeat , the sound of his voice , the comfort of his embrace and the safeness of his presence . With my Mom , I would start off thanking her for all the sacrifices she made for throughout my life . Thank her for the countless nights she stayed up with me whether I was sick or crying about something . Then I would apologize for the countless times that I regretfully hurt her in any way . Apologize for ever making her cry . Apologize for her or my Dad ever having to question whether I still love them . Then I would tell her about my favourite moments we shared . Thank her and my Dad for always pushing me to do what I loved and work hard to reach my every goal , and for teaching me to fight for what I have and continue fighting to keep it . And just like my Dad , I would ask her to hold me in her arms for an hour as I listen to her heartbeat . And then I will again , spend that hour embracing her and remembering the rhythm of her heartbeat , the sound of her voice , the comfort of her embrace and the safeness of her presence . Lastly , my brother because he is young and he may not remember quite as well . I will first apologize for the countless times we fought . Play a few of his favourite games and teach him a few things . And then I would tell him how smart , talented and special he is and that no one can ever take that from him . I will ask him to make sure he works hard for what he wants and make my parents as proud as he's made me . And then I will spend that very last day with all of them together ; no yelling , no shouting , no arguments . Just love and happiness . I'll say my last good-byes and promise to always look upon them from where ever I go and keep them as safe and happy as I can . I will promise to always love them and never , ever forget them . And then I'll go .

Summer Fierce

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