Friday, November 19, 2010

If Time Was Unlimited .

What if you could freeze time ? Or better yet , what if you could freeze a certain time frame in your life and just keep living it over and over again ? What would that moment be ? It could be a minute long or it could be a year that was just perfect or so profound that you could spend eternity living it over and over again . I would have too many moments to choose from . Like the rare moments that my family spends together as a whole just laughing and not yelling or crying . Those are the moments that I could never get tired of . Or being in the arms of my parents' ; I'd stay there forever even if I didn't have the ability to freeze time and if they'd let me stay there .

If there was one long period of time that I truly feel I spent most of it being happy , it would be first semester of grade eleven . That's when I joined the Director's Craft Package . That's when I made a class full of friends that were more like family than friends . That's when I became a part of Stagelife . There was not one morning I woke up and didn't want to attend class . Seeing those people everyday just lightened my spirits and made me happy . I spent a long while finding true happiness after my family moved to Brampton and they helped me find it ; they gave it to me . Each person in that class could be a smile on my face at any given moment and they just made me feel like I belong . I made real friends during that time . The adventures we went on , the jokes we laughed at and the memories we share are all beautiful in their own way . They friendship that we shared during that time is as strong as the friendship that people take an entire lifetime building upon ; it was strong and profound .

StageLife 09 - 10 - Forever

Summer Fierce

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