Sunday, November 7, 2010

In a World All Alone .

Have you ever been alone? Most people have. Have you ever been alone in a room full of people? Is that possible? It doesn't mean literally alone, of course. It's the feeling of being alone. Like you have no one. In this room full of people, there is not one person that understands; that cares for you. You can be in a room full of strangers and be cared for. They won't feel such strong emotions such as love, but they will acknowledge your existence and your presence in a way. I've been in a room like that. And then I've been in another type of room. A room where I don't know anyone; where no one knows me. I feel alone. I feel invisible. I am silent. And then I've been in a room full of friends. I felt invisible. Like they were there, and they knew I was there, but didn't really know I was there. Like they just didn't understand me. Didn't love me. I was invisible. At that moment, I felt my world falling apart; closing in on me. I was suffocating in my own skin. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Still; no one heard me. They carried on like nothing was happening, when, really, everything was happening. I shut my eyes, and I disappeared.

Have you ever felt alone, in a room full of family? I have. I knew their love was there, yet I couldn't feel it. I felt like I was trapped in a bubble that was closing in on me. I was losing air. I felt like they tried to understand me, but could not understand me. Like my silence would be the sharp point to burst the bubble. But it wasn't. It only had me suffocating more. Wanting to crawl out of my skin; out of this world. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but feared the chance I'd only push my family further away. Further away, although I already knew I was miles away from truly being with them.
Loneliness leads to depression. Depression leads to suicide. Being alone, and only having yourself to confide in can lead to endless emotions of hate to yourself and your life.
Burst that bubble.

Summer Fierce

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